Saturday, May 9, 2009


How is everyone doing. I have been away from this blog page for a while. We were running everything through our web site, however we have changed. The Coop is now back to 2 separate charges. Tina and I are still at the Chesterhill/Pisgah Charge and Pastor Rick Bennington is at the Stockport/Oakland Charge. The official date for the change will be 06-30-2009 but we have started to tidy things up before that date. Tina and I will still be working with Stockport/Oakland to a point as we can still learn and grow with time spent with Pastor Rick. I will also cover for Pastor Rick while Tina and I both are here at Chesterhill/Pisgah when Rick takes a vacation or is out for any other reason. This way when I am ready to stand before the PPRC body for recommendation to go forward to the District Committee of Ordained Ministry, this way I stay fresh in their minds and they know who I am and what my theology and preaching is about.
I look forward to keeping this blog updated and hopefully relevant. There are a few prayer request at this time are the following:

  1. Rocky Y & Family
  2. The Churches
  3. Pastors
  4. My Job
  5. Dorthy C
  6. The Country & it's Leaders
  7. Those Hospitalized, Nursing Home, Assisted Living Shut Ins
  8. Annual Conference June 7th-11th 2009
  9. Project Hope Event last 3 Sundays of September 13th, 20th & 27
  10. The Lost, Wounded, Battered and Bruised

In Mercy, Grace & Peace
Pastor Gary

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