Monday, August 25, 2008

Keeping up with the Jones'

Have you heard any of the controversies coming out of the China Olympic Games? One is that the fire works during the opening ceremonies were fake or rather taped and not live. Another, is the ages of the Chinese women’s gymnastic team. Needing to be 16 within the year of the games they are participating in. But there was one girl that just 3 or 4 months ago was listed within the government run news organization, that said she was 13 years of age. But now they say she is 15 (but will be 16 this year) based on the government issued passport.
But the one I wish to focus on, is the little girl that sung during the opening ceremonies. Didn’t she sound wonderful and was she not the cutest little girl. A true China doll I would even say. But did you know that it was not her voice we were hearing. You see the other little girl that we heard with that marvelous voice, was not in the Chinese Government minds, pretty enough to be televised around the world. So they found a better looking little girl to be the “FACE OF CHINA”. Were you upset, or are you now! I know I was,and I still am but not just for the reason you are thinking. You see this brings to the forefront what we do every day, does it not?
Come on, you know what I am talking about. How we have our airwaves saturated with the images of the perfect face, hair, legs, abs or just the perfect body. We wonder why our daughters become anorexic and our sons use all of the shortcuts of supplements and even steroids to get the perfect body. Some will even become addicted to cosmetic surgeries, because you know our nose is just a little too big and then after that we notice that our cheek bones are either too high or too low. Oh my, would you look at how loose the skin is around the jaw line, if I could just get that firmed up.
Brothers and sister let me just remind you that, you are wonderfully and fearfully made by the Creator. He does not make mistakes or boo boos, you are perfect in His eyes and you see that perfection you look at every day when you look in the mirror and when we look and all of His creations.
You see when we think the way the world wants us to think, then everybody looks better then us and everything they have is better than ours. Then we are continually trying to keep up with Jones’ and we are never satisfied with what we have been bless with. It is time we become thankful for the things we have, our homes, our cars and how about our families. There are many around this world that would be eternally thankful for what we just throw away because it isn’t the newest, or the latest or greatest.
It is time we are thankful for what we have, our looks and our possessions, thanking God the Father, god the Son and God the Holy Spirit for everything. Then join Jesus in the mission fields throughout our communities.
In the Mercy, Grace, Love and Peace of Jesus Christ,

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