Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Lent message

How am or will I prepare myself for the Easter season. We are presently in the Lenten Season a time of preparation, anticipation to the passion of Christ and His defeat over Satan and death. The 40 days of Lent is a symbolic time, where we as Christians enter the wilderness with Jesus for fasting, and prayers. The fasting. For Jesus this was done completely with no food or water. Now we can fast in this way if it is healthy for you. Many people like myself need to take medications that require food before taking or simply that you must eat for your health, i.e. Diabetics. But we can still fast of something either certain foods like no meat or no sweets. But it must be a sacrifice so if you are a vegetarian not eating meat does not count because you always go without meat. Maybe you can go without TV for 40 days OK, OK I know that one is hard one that is really sacrificing, but how about no TV for the prime time? You could then use this quite time to pray and reconnect with God, share with Him you concerns and needs. Listen to His response listen for His call to action for you. You can also use this time to reconnect with your spouse, your family, have you shared your hopes and dreams with them. Have you listened for or rather have you heard your spouses and families’ hopes and dreams. You see they may have told you but you were just too busy with your stuff you didn’t hear what they were saying. This is a good time to start these things. But as the song by Casting Crowns says in “From the Alter to the Door” don’t let us loose our follow-through from the alter to the door. Once we start this over the next 40 days, remember to continue through the year. It will be amazing what type of an impact this can make in your marriage and with the entire family. Once we allow God into our life and as the Lord’s Prayer says, “Give us our DAILY bread” once we become dependent upon God for our needs, we will begin to draw closer and closer to Him.
Brothers and Sisters let us make this Lent Season the time we get back to basics. Let us begin to draw our inspiration from God so we are doing His will and not our will. Let us not only become closer to God let us get our whole family closer to each other and to God. Let us listen and heed God’s call upon our life and it doesn’t matter whether you are 4 or 104 God wants you to do something for Him, so listen closely and discern your call.

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